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1#!/usr/bin/env python3 


3"""Module containing the HelParBimodality class and the command line interface.""" 

4import os 

5import shutil 

6import zipfile 

7import argparse 

8from pathlib import Path 


10import pandas as pd 

11import numpy as np 

12import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

13from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture 


15from biobb_dna.utils import constants 

16from biobb_common.generic.biobb_object import BiobbObject 

17from biobb_common.configuration import settings 

18from import file_utils as fu 

19from import launchlogger 

20from biobb_dna.utils.loader import load_data 



23class HelParBimodality(BiobbObject): 

24 """ 

25 | biobb_dna HelParBimodality 

26 | Determine binormality/bimodality from a helical parameter series dataset. 


28 Args: 

29 input_csv_file (str): Path to .csv file with helical parameter series. If `input_zip_file` is passed, this should be just the filename of the .csv file inside .zip. File type: input. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: csv (edam:format_3752). 

30 input_zip_file (str) (Optional): .zip file containing the `input_csv_file` .csv file. File type: input. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987). 

31 output_csv_path (str): Path to .csv file where output is saved. File type: output. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: csv (edam:format_3752). 

32 output_jpg_path (str): Path to .jpg file where output is saved. File type: output. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: jpg (edam:format_3579). 

33 properties (dict): 

34 * **helpar_name** (*str*) - (Optional) helical parameter name. 

35 * **confidence_level** (*float*) - (5.0) Confidence level for Byes Factor test (in percentage). 

36 * **max_iter** (*int*) - (400) Number of maximum iterations for EM algorithm. 

37 * **tol** (*float*) - (1e-5) Tolerance value for EM algorithm. 

38 * **remove_tmp** (*bool*) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files. 

39 * **restart** (*bool*) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.1 


41 Examples: 

42 This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:: 


44 from biobb_dna.dna.dna_bimodality import dna_bimodality 


46 prop = { 

47 'max_iter': 500, 

48 } 

49 dna_bimodality( 

50 input_csv_file='filename.csv', 

51 input_zip_file='/path/to/', 

52 output_csv_path='/path/to/output.csv', 

53 output_jpg_path='/path/to/output.jpg', 

54 properties=prop) 

55 Info: 

56 * wrapped_software: 

57 * name: In house 

58 * license: Apache-2.0 

59 * ontology: 

60 * name: EDAM 

61 * schema: 


63 """ 


65 def __init__(self, input_csv_file, output_csv_path, 

66 output_jpg_path, input_zip_file=None, 

67 properties=None, **kwargs) -> None: 

68 properties = properties or {} 


70 # Call parent class constructor 

71 super().__init__(properties) 

72 self.locals_var_dict = locals().copy() 


74 # Input/Output files 

75 self.io_dict = { 

76 'in': { 

77 'input_csv_file': input_csv_file, 

78 'input_zip_file': input_zip_file 

79 }, 

80 'out': { 

81 'output_csv_path': output_csv_path, 

82 'output_jpg_path': output_jpg_path 

83 } 

84 } 


86 # Properties specific for BB 

87 self.confidence_level = properties.get( 

88 "confidence_level", 5.0) 

89 self.max_iter = properties.get( 

90 "max_iter", 400) 

91 self.tol = properties.get( 

92 "tol", 1e-5) 

93 self.helpar_name = properties.get("helpar_name", None) 

94 = properties 


96 # Check the properties 

97 self.check_properties(properties) 

98 self.check_arguments() 


100 @launchlogger 

101 def launch(self) -> int: 

102 """Execute the :class:`HelParBimodality <dna.dna_bimodality.HelParBimodality>` object.""" 


104 # Setup Biobb 

105 if self.check_restart(): 

106 return 0 

107 self.stage_files() 


109 # get helical parameter from filename if not specified 

110 if self.helpar_name is None: 

111 for hp in constants.helical_parameters: 

112 input_zip_path = self.io_dict['in']['input_zip_file'] 

113 if input_zip_path is not None: 

114 condition_2 = ( 

115 hp.lower() in Path(input_zip_path).name.lower()) 

116 else: 

117 condition_2 = False 

118 condition_1 = hp.lower() in Path( 

119 self.io_dict['in']['input_csv_file']).name.lower() 

120 if (condition_1 or condition_2): 

121 self.helpar_name = hp 

122 if self.helpar_name is None: 

123 raise ValueError( 

124 "Helical parameter name can't be inferred from file, " 

125 "so it must be specified!") 

126 else: 

127 if self.helpar_name not in constants.helical_parameters: 

128 raise ValueError( 

129 "Helical parameter name is invalid! " 

130 f"Options: {constants.helical_parameters}") 


132 # get unit from helical parameter name 

133 if self.helpar_name in constants.hp_angular: 

134 self.hp_unit = "Degrees" 

135 else: 

136 self.hp_unit = "Angstroms" 


138 # resolve output 

139 output_csv_path = Path( 

140 self.io_dict['out']['output_csv_path']).resolve() 

141 output_jpg_path = Path( 

142 self.io_dict['out']['output_jpg_path']).resolve() 


144 # Creating temporary folder 

145 self.tmp_folder = fu.create_unique_dir(prefix="bimodality_") 

146 fu.log('Creating %s temporary folder' % self.tmp_folder, self.out_log) 


148 # read input 

149 if self.io_dict['in']['input_zip_file'] is not None: 

150 # Copy input_file_path1 to temporary folder 

151 shutil.copy(self.io_dict['in']['input_zip_file'], self.tmp_folder) 

152 # if zipfile is specified, extract to temporary folder 

153 with zipfile.ZipFile( 

154 self.io_dict['in']['input_zip_file'], 

155 'r') as zip_ref: 

156 zip_ref.extractall(self.tmp_folder) 

157 else: 

158 # copy input files to temporary folder 

159 shutil.copy( 

160 self.io_dict['in']['input_csv_file'], 

161 self.tmp_folder) 

162 # change directory to temporary folder 

163 original_directory = os.getcwd() 

164 os.chdir(self.tmp_folder) 

165 data = load_data(Path(self.io_dict['in']['input_csv_file']).name) 


167 means, variances, bics, weights = self.fit_to_model(data) 

168 uninormal, binormal, insuf_ev = self.bayes_factor_criteria( 

169 bics[0], bics[1]) 


171 if binormal: 

172 maxm = np.argmax(means[1]) 

173 minm = np.argmin(means[1]) 

174 mean1 = means[1][minm] 

175 var1 = variances[1][minm] 

176 w1 = weights[1][minm] 

177 mean2 = means[1][maxm] 

178 var2 = variances[1][maxm] 

179 w2 = weights[1][maxm] 

180 bimodal = self.helguero_theorem(mean1, mean2, var1, var2) 

181 else: 

182 mean1 = means[0][0] 

183 var1 = variances[0][0] 

184 w1 = weights[0][0] 

185 mean2, var2, w2 = np.nan, np.nan, 0 

186 bimodal = False 

187 info = dict( 

188 binormal=binormal, 

189 uninormal=uninormal, 

190 insuf_ev=insuf_ev, 

191 bimodal=bimodal, 

192 mean1=mean1, 

193 mean2=mean2, 

194 var1=var1, 

195 var2=var2, 

196 w1=w1, 

197 w2=w2) 


199 # save tables 

200 pd.DataFrame(info, index=data.columns).to_csv(output_csv_path) 


202 # make and save plot 

203 data_size = len(data) 

204 synth1 = np.random.normal( 

205 loc=info['mean1'], 

206 scale=np.sqrt(info['var1']), 

207 size=int(data_size * info['w1'])) 

208 synth2 = np.random.normal( 

209 loc=info['mean2'], 

210 scale=np.sqrt(info['var2']), 

211 size=int(data_size * info['w2'])) 


213 plt.figure() 

214 alpha = 0.7 

215 bins = 100 

216 if binormal: 

217 label1 = "Low State" 

218 else: 

219 label1 = "Single State" 

220 out = plt.hist( 

221 synth1, bins=bins, alpha=alpha, density=True, label=label1) 

222 ylim = max(out[0]) 

223 plt.vlines(info['mean1'], 0, ylim, colors="r", linestyles="dashed") 

224 if binormal: 

225 out = plt.hist( 

226 synth2, bins=bins, alpha=alpha, density=True, label="high state") 

227 ylim = max(out[0]) 

228 plt.vlines(info['mean2'], 0, ylim, colors="r", linestyles="dashed") 

229 plt.legend() 

230 plt.ylabel("Density") 

231 plt.xlabel(f"{self.helpar_name.capitalize()} ({self.hp_unit})") 

232 plt.title(f"Distribution of {self.helpar_name} states") 

233 plt.savefig(output_jpg_path, format="jpg") 

234 plt.close() 


236 # change back to original directory 

237 os.chdir(original_directory) 


239 # Remove temporary file(s) 

240 self.tmp_files.extend([ 

241 self.stage_io_dict.get("unique_dir"), 

242 self.tmp_folder 

243 ]) 

244 self.remove_tmp_files() 


246 self.check_arguments(output_files_created=True, raise_exception=False) 


248 return 0 


250 def fit_to_model(self, data): 

251 """ 

252 Fit data to Gaussian Mixture models. 

253 Return dictionary with distribution data. 

254 """ 

255 means = [] 

256 variances = [] 

257 bics = [] 

258 weights = [] 

259 for n_components in (1, 2): 

260 gmm = GaussianMixture( 

261 n_components=n_components, 

262 max_iter=self.max_iter, 

263 tol=self.tol) 

264 gmm = 

265 m = gmm.means_.flatten() 

266 v = gmm.covariances_.flatten() 

267 b = gmm.bic(data) 

268 w = gmm.weights_.flatten() 

269 means.append(m) 

270 variances.append(v) 

271 bics.append(b) 

272 weights.append(w) 

273 return means, variances, bics, weights 


275 def bayes_factor_criteria(self, bic1, bic2): 

276 diff_bic = bic2 - bic1 

277 # probability of a two-component model 

278 p = 1 / (1 + np.exp(0.5*diff_bic)) 

279 if p == np.nan: 

280 if bic1 == np.nan: 

281 p = 1 

282 elif bic2 == np.nan: 

283 p = 0 


285 uninormal = p < (self.confidence_level / 100) 

286 binormal = p > (1 - (self.confidence_level / 100)) 

287 insuf_ev = True if (not uninormal and not binormal) else False 

288 return uninormal, binormal, insuf_ev 


290 def helguero_theorem(self, mean1, mean2, var1, var2): 

291 r = var1 / var2 

292 separation_factor = np.sqrt( 

293 -2 + 3*r + 3*r**2 - 2*r**3 + 2*(1 - r + r**2)**1.5 

294 ) / ( 

295 np.sqrt(r)*(1+np.sqrt(r)) 

296 ) 

297 bimodal = abs(mean2-mean1) > separation_factor * \ 

298 (np.sqrt(var1) + np.sqrt(var2)) 

299 return bimodal 



302def dna_bimodality( 

303 input_csv_file, output_csv_path, output_jpg_path, 

304 input_zip_file: str = None, properties: dict = None, **kwargs) -> int: 

305 """Create :class:`HelParBimodality <dna.dna_bimodality.HelParBimodality>` class and 

306 execute the :meth:`launch() <dna.dna_bimodality.HelParBimodality.launch>` method.""" 


308 return HelParBimodality( 

309 input_csv_file=input_csv_file, 

310 input_zip_file=input_zip_file, 

311 output_csv_path=output_csv_path, 

312 output_jpg_path=output_jpg_path, 

313 properties=properties, **kwargs).launch() 



316def main(): 

317 """Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.""" 

318 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Determine binormality/bimodality from a helical parameter dataset.', 

319 formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter(prog, width=99999)) 

320 parser.add_argument('--config', required=False, help='Configuration file') 


322 required_args = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') 

323 required_args.add_argument('--input_csv_file', required=True, 

324 help='Path to csv file with data. Accepted formats: csv.') 

325 parser.add_argument('--input_zip_file', 

326 help='Path to zip file containing csv input files. Accepted formats: zip.') 

327 required_args.add_argument('--output_csv_path', required=True, 

328 help='Filename and/or path of output csv file.') 

329 required_args.add_argument('--output_jpg_path', required=True, 

330 help='Filename and/or path of output jpg file.') 


332 args = parser.parse_args() 

333 args.config = args.config or "{}" 

334 properties = settings.ConfReader(config=args.config).get_prop_dic() 


336 dna_bimodality( 

337 input_csv_file=args.input_csv_file, 

338 input_zip_file=args.input_zip_file, 

339 output_csv_path=args.output_csv_path, 

340 output_jpg_path=args.output_jpg_path, 

341 properties=properties) 



344if __name__ == '__main__': 

345 main()