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1#!/usr/bin/env python3 


3"""Module containing the HelParStiffness class and the command line interface.""" 

4import argparse 

5from pathlib import Path 


7import pandas as pd 

8import numpy as np 

9import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 


11from biobb_common.generic.biobb_object import BiobbObject 

12from biobb_common.configuration import settings 

13from import file_utils as fu 

14from import launchlogger 

15from biobb_dna.utils.loader import load_data 



18class BPStiffness(BiobbObject): 

19 """ 

20 | biobb_dna BPStiffness 

21 | Calculate stiffness constants matrix between all six helical parameters for a single base pair step. 


23 Args: 

24 input_filename_shift (str): Path to csv file with data for helical parameter 'shift'. File type: input. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: csv (edam:format_3752) 

25 input_filename_slide (str): Path to csv file with data for helical parameter 'slide'. File type: input. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: csv (edam:format_3752) 

26 input_filename_rise (str): Path to csv file with data for helical parameter 'rise'. File type: input. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: csv (edam:format_3752) 

27 input_filename_tilt (str): Path to csv file with data for helical parameter 'tilt'. File type: input. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: csv (edam:format_3752) 

28 input_filename_roll (str): Path to csv file with data for helical parameter 'roll'. File type: input. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: csv (edam:format_3752) 

29 input_filename_twist (str): Path to csv file with data for helical parameter 'twist'. File type: input. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: csv (edam:format_3752) 

30 output_csv_path (str): Path to directory where stiffness matrix file is saved as a csv file. File type: output. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: csv (edam:format_3752) 

31 output_jpg_path (str): Path to directory where stiffness heatmap image is saved as a jpg file. File type: output. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: jpg (edam:format_3579) 

32 properties (dict): 

33 * **KT** (*float*) - (0.592186827) Value of Boltzmann temperature factor. 

34 * **scaling** (*list*) - ([1, 1, 1, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6]) Values by which to scale stiffness. Positions correspond to helical parameters in the order: shift, slide, rise, tilt, roll, twist. 

35 * **remove_tmp** (*bool*) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files. 

36 * **restart** (*bool*) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist. 


38 Examples: 

39 This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:: 


41 from biobb_dna.stiffness.basepair_stiffness import basepair_stiffness 


43 prop = { 

44 'KT': 0.592186827, 

45 'scaling': [1, 1, 1, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6] 

46 } 

47 basepair_stiffness( 

48 input_filename_shift='path/to/basepair/shift.csv', 

49 input_filename_slide='path/to/basepair/slide.csv', 

50 input_filename_rise='path/to/basepair/rise.csv', 

51 input_filename_tilt='path/to/basepair/tilt.csv', 

52 input_filename_roll='path/to/basepair/roll.csv', 

53 input_filename_twist='path/to/basepair/twist.csv', 

54 output_csv_path='path/to/output/file.csv', 

55 output_jpg_path='path/to/output/plot.jpg', 

56 properties=prop) 

57 Info: 

58 * wrapped_software: 

59 * name: In house 

60 * license: Apache-2.0 

61 * ontology: 

62 * name: EDAM 

63 * schema: 


65 """ 


67 def __init__(self, input_filename_shift, input_filename_slide, 

68 input_filename_rise, input_filename_tilt, 

69 input_filename_roll, input_filename_twist, 

70 output_csv_path, output_jpg_path, properties=None, **kwargs) -> None: 

71 properties = properties or {} 


73 # Call parent class constructor 

74 super().__init__(properties) 

75 self.locals_var_dict = locals().copy() 


77 # Input/Output files 

78 self.io_dict = { 

79 'in': { 

80 'input_filename_shift': input_filename_shift, 

81 'input_filename_slide': input_filename_slide, 

82 'input_filename_rise': input_filename_rise, 

83 'input_filename_tilt': input_filename_tilt, 

84 'input_filename_roll': input_filename_roll, 

85 'input_filename_twist': input_filename_twist 

86 }, 

87 'out': { 

88 'output_csv_path': output_csv_path, 

89 'output_jpg_path': output_jpg_path 

90 } 

91 } 


93 = properties 

94 self.KT = properties.get( 

95 "KT", 0.592186827) 

96 self.scaling = properties.get( 

97 "scaling", [1, 1, 1, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6]) 


99 # Check the properties 

100 self.check_properties(properties) 

101 self.check_arguments() 


103 @launchlogger 

104 def launch(self) -> int: 

105 """Execute the :class:`BPStiffness <stiffness.basepair_stiffness.BPStiffness>` object.""" 


107 # Setup Biobb 

108 if self.check_restart(): 

109 return 0 

110 self.stage_files() 


112 # Creating temporary folder 

113 self.tmp_folder = fu.create_unique_dir(prefix="bp_stiffness_") 

114 fu.log('Creating %s temporary folder' % self.tmp_folder, self.out_log) 


116 # read input 

117 shift = load_data( 

118 self.io_dict["in"]["input_filename_shift"]) 

119 slide = load_data( 

120 self.io_dict["in"]["input_filename_slide"]) 

121 rise = load_data( 

122 self.io_dict["in"]["input_filename_rise"]) 

123 tilt = load_data( 

124 self.io_dict["in"]["input_filename_tilt"]) 

125 roll = load_data( 

126 self.io_dict["in"]["input_filename_roll"]) 

127 twist = load_data( 

128 self.io_dict["in"]["input_filename_twist"]) 


130 # build matrix cols_arr from helpar input data files 

131 coordinates = ["shift", "slide", "rise", "tilt", "roll", "twist"] 

132 basepairname = shift.columns[0] 

133 helpar_matrix = pd.concat( 

134 [shift, slide, rise, tilt, roll, twist], axis=1) 

135 helpar_matrix.columns = coordinates 

136 # covariance 

137 cov_df = helpar_matrix.cov() 

138 # stiffness 

139 stiff = np.linalg.inv(cov_df) * self.KT 

140 stiff_diag = stiff * np.array(self.scaling) 

141 stiff_df = pd.DataFrame( 

142 stiff_diag, 

143 columns=cov_df.columns, 

144 index=cov_df.index) 

145 = basepairname 


147 # save csv data 

148 stiff_df.to_csv(Path(self.io_dict["out"]["output_csv_path"])) 


150 # create heatmap 

151 fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, dpi=300, tight_layout=True) 

152 axs.pcolor(stiff_df) 

153 # Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations. 

154 for i in range(len(stiff_df)): 

155 for j in range(len(stiff_df)): 

156 axs.text( 

157 j+.5, 

158 i+.5, 

159 f"{stiff_df[coordinates[j]].loc[coordinates[i]]:.2f}", 

160 ha="center", 

161 va="center", 

162 color="w") 

163 axs.text( 

164 0, -1.35, 

165 "Units:\n" 

166 "Diagonal Shift/Slide/Rise in kcal/(mol*Ų), Diagonal Tilt/Roll/Twist in kcal/(mol*degree²)\n" 

167 "Out of Diagonal: Shift/Slide/Rise in kcal/(mol*Å), Out of Diagonal Tilt/Roll/Twist in kcal/(mol*degree)", 

168 fontsize=6) 

169 axs.set_xticks([i + 0.5 for i in range(len(stiff_df))]) 

170 axs.set_xticklabels(stiff_df.columns, rotation=90) 

171 axs.set_yticks([i+0.5 for i in range(len(stiff_df))]) 

172 axs.set_yticklabels(stiff_df.index) 

173 axs.set_title( 

174 f"Stiffness Constants for Base Pair Step \'{basepairname}\'") 

175 fig.tight_layout() 

176 fig.savefig( 

177 self.io_dict['out']['output_jpg_path'], 

178 format="jpg") 

179 plt.close() 


181 # Remove temporary file(s) 

182 self.tmp_files.extend([ 

183 self.stage_io_dict.get("unique_dir"), 

184 self.tmp_folder 

185 ]) 

186 self.remove_tmp_files() 


188 self.check_arguments(output_files_created=True, raise_exception=False) 


190 return 0 



193def basepair_stiffness( 

194 input_filename_shift: str, input_filename_slide: str, 

195 input_filename_rise: str, input_filename_tilt: str, 

196 input_filename_roll: str, input_filename_twist: str, 

197 output_csv_path: str, output_jpg_path: str, properties: dict = None, **kwargs) -> int: 

198 """Create :class:`BPStiffness <stiffness.basepair_stiffness.BPStiffness>` class and 

199 execute the :meth:`launch() <stiffness.basepair_stiffness.BPStiffness.BPStiffness.launch>` method.""" 


201 return BPStiffness( 

202 input_filename_shift=input_filename_shift, 

203 input_filename_slide=input_filename_slide, 

204 input_filename_rise=input_filename_rise, 

205 input_filename_tilt=input_filename_tilt, 

206 input_filename_roll=input_filename_roll, 

207 input_filename_twist=input_filename_twist, 

208 output_csv_path=output_csv_path, 

209 output_jpg_path=output_jpg_path, 

210 properties=properties, **kwargs).launch() 



213def main(): 

214 """Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.""" 

215 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Calculate stiffness constants matrix between all six helical parameters for a single base pair step.', 

216 formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter(prog, width=99999)) 

217 parser.add_argument('--config', required=False, help='Configuration file') 


219 required_args = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') 

220 required_args.add_argument('--input_filename_shift', required=True, 

221 help='Path to csv file with shift inputs. Accepted formats: csv.') 

222 required_args.add_argument('--input_filename_slide', required=True, 

223 help='Path to csv file with slide inputs. Accepted formats: csv.') 

224 required_args.add_argument('--input_filename_rise', required=True, 

225 help='Path to csv file with rise inputs. Accepted formats: csv.') 

226 required_args.add_argument('--input_filename_tilt', required=True, 

227 help='Path to csv file with tilt inputs. Accepted formats: csv.') 

228 required_args.add_argument('--input_filename_roll', required=True, 

229 help='Path to csv file with roll inputs. Accepted formats: csv.') 

230 required_args.add_argument('--input_filename_twist', required=True, 

231 help='Path to csv file with twist inputs. Accepted formats: csv.') 

232 required_args.add_argument('--output_csv_path', required=True, 

233 help='Path to output covariance data file. Accepted formats: csv.') 

234 required_args.add_argument('--output_jpg_path', required=True, 

235 help='Path to output covariance data file. Accepted formats: csv.') 


237 args = parser.parse_args() 

238 args.config = args.config or "{}" 

239 properties = settings.ConfReader(config=args.config).get_prop_dic() 


241 basepair_stiffness( 

242 input_filename_shift=args.input_filename_shift, 

243 input_filename_slide=args.input_filename_slide, 

244 input_filename_rise=args.input_filename_rise, 

245 input_filename_tilt=args.input_filename_tilt, 

246 input_filename_roll=args.input_filename_roll, 

247 input_filename_twist=args.input_filename_twist, 

248 output_csv_path=args.output_csv_path, 

249 output_jpg_path=args.output_jpg_path, 

250 properties=properties) 



253if __name__ == '__main__': 

254 main()