Overview and summary
This part of the best practice guide provides an overview and summary of best practices regarding QM/MM simulation of biomolecular systems considered to be important by the organisers and speakers of the BioExcel Virtual Workshop on Best Practices in QM/MM Simulation of Biomolecular Systems.
1. Introduction
QM/MM simulation is among the most versatile tools to model systems, because it relies on an ab initio description of the most important part of the system. By performing such simulations one has access to properties that sometimes escape experimental probes, like transition states, short-lived intermediates, conformational itineraries, electronic states and so on. QM/MM has been applied to investigate:
Reaction mechanisms, including rate selectivity and the effect of point mutations
Ligand protein interactions and binding affinity estimations
Crystal structure refinement, in particular for systems with exotic co-factors
However, performing a QM/MM study is not as straightforward as for other computational approaches employed to investigate biological systems and care has to be taken when setting up a QM/MM simulation.
2. Prerequisites
QM/MM methods are computationally very demanding compared to other approaches and for this reason they have traditionally rarely been considered when describing biological processes. However, there are cases where their use can be very valuable. For example, by employing QM/MM methods at a suitable QM level of theory, one can nowadays make reliable predictions about activation barriers and reaction mechanisms in enzymes. There are a lot of mechanisms in biochemistry textbooks that are probably wrong because those mechanisms were written down at a time when all one could do was to speculate about them on the basis of kinetics and perhaps mutagenesis experiments. Since enzymes often use some quite unusual chemistry, intuition and well-informed guesses alone can unfortunately lead to inaccurate conclusions. A suitable, well-executed QM/MM calculation is therefore advantageous as it can provide a sensible mechanistic prediction of an enzymatic mechanism.
As probably in any computational study of biological systems, the first preliminary step before setting up any QM/MM simulation is to study the literature about the system under investigation and the properties you are going to measure. For example, the apparent activation energies measured so far over all known enzymatic classes range between 5 to 25 kcal/mol, and more than 80% of energies are between 14 and 20 kcal/mol. Therefore, if you obtain a value outside those intervals, you should suspect that something was wrong with your calculations.
3. Choosing method and level of theory
Before setting up a QM/MM simulation, it is important to remember that QM/MM is not a “black box”. Care must be taken in choosing the suitable QM/MM scheme and the suitable level of theory, in particular for the QM part. Nowadays, especially when large QM regions (order of hundreds atoms) are involved, the density functional theory (DFT) is by far the most common level of theory employed to treat the quantum part, because it usually provides a good tradeoff between accuracy and computational cost.
A downside of DFT is that it is not systematically improvable, i.e. we do not know a priori if the result with one functional should be better or worse than the results with a different functional. When this is a requirement to obtain a mechanistically sound prediction, then one must go beyond DFT and employ some post-Hartree Fock approach. Among the post-Hartree Fock approaches applied to large systems, the family of coupled cluster methods (e.g. CCSD(T)) are still too computationally expensive for typical biological applications and they have been rarely employed so far, in spite of their state-of-the-art accuracy. A better balance between high accuracy and computational efficiency is provided by approaches based on the second order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), such as the spin-component scaled MP2 (SCS-MP2) as proposed by Grimme (J. Chem. Phys. 118, 9095 (2003)), in which the accuracy of MP2 calculations is significantly improved by semi-empirically scaling the opposite-spin and same-spin correlation components with separate scaling factors.
In general, the selection of the method to employ, i.e. the Hamiltonian which is going to describe your system, will require you to carefully consider:
if the Hamiltonian correctly describes all the energy contributions involved in the phenomenon you want to investigate;
the availability of software that implements it;
the computational resources at your disposal.
Within DFT, the choices of functional and basis set are crucial to obtain a correct estimation of the physical quantity to be predicted. The basis set should contain a sufficient number of elements to have a correct description of the wave function, but at the same time it should be as small as possible in order not to make the calculation unfeasible. This can (and should!) be validated via convergence tests on some relevant physical quantity, such as the total energy. In general, structural properties require smaller basis sets than properties based on the estimation of energies. In cases where one is performing a calculation using a localised basis set, a common recommendation is to always employ polarisation functions (the minimum requirement is a valence double-zeta basis set). Diffuse functions are employed less frequently in QM/MM schemes due to their large extension and because of possible artifacts originating from interaction of the electronic density with partial charges in the MM region. If diffuse functions are needed, one can employ only diffuse functions associated with the atoms in the central area of the QM region, far from the QM/MM boundary.
The selection of a suitable functional on the other hand is not so straightforward. A thorough review of the literature about the system under investigation could help make an educated guess regarding the best functional to employ. Even if your particular system has not been investigated yet, it is highly probable that the chemistry involved in it has been widely studied with DFT, and that several benchmarks exist in the literature that could help make an appropriate guess. However, in general, especially when the information from the literature is scarce, an a posteriori validation of the functional on similar properties and/or similar (smaller) systems is recommended (see section 5) before embarking on expensive QM/MM calculations. The validation can be done with respect to experimental data, if available, or by modelling a minimal system that contains at least the relevant part (e.g. the active site) and performing on it a high-level calculation (e.g. CCSD(T)/CBS) to be used as a reference for the energies. Moreover, in the case of enzymatic reactions it is in general a very good test to compare reaction energetics between gas phase, water solvation only, and the complete enzyme environment: if the level of theory is adequate, one should see a clear catalytic effect in the protein environment.
Having mentioned solvation, as a general remark explicit solvation usually provides better agreement with experimental results compared to any implicit or continuum solvation models. However it also brings higher computational costs.
A popular and computationally inexpensive strategy that often allows improving both structure and energy predictions from “pure” DFT approaches is to add the so-called dispersion corrections. These are suitable additional terms added to the functionals that can yield results in much better agreement with experimental data. In fact, in biomolecules and similar systems dispersion competes significantly with other effects, while DFT is known to provide an incomplete treatment of dispersion, which can adversely affect its accuracy.
Once the QM level of theory and the MM description have been decided, one should focus on the selection of the most suitable QM/MM scheme to employ. A difficulty with QM/MM approaches is that there exist so many variants and that the details of these are seldom discussed. For example, QM/MM approaches can use either subtractive or additive schemes (Senn and Thiel, 2009).
In a subtractive scheme, three separate calculations are performed:
QM calculation with the QM region
MM calculation with the entire system
MM calculation with the QM region
Then the total energy of the QM/MM system is estimated as the sum of the first two terms subtracted from the third term in order to avoid counting twice the interactions within the QM subsystem. The advantage with this approach is its simplicity: it automatically ensures that no interactions are double counted and it can be set up for any QM and MM software (provided they can write out energies and forces), without the need of any modification of the code. The typical example of a subtractive scheme is ONIOM (Svensson et al., 1996) or ComQum (Ryde, 1996).
In an additive scheme, there are no calculations at different resolutions taking place separately. Instead, the potential energy for the whole QM/MM system is a sum of three contributions:
QM energy terms;
MM energy terms;
QM/MM coupling terms.
In contrast to the subtractive schemes, the interactions between the particles in the QM region and the classical atoms in the MM region are treated explicitly in through QM/MM coupling terms. In this case, it is up to the developer to ensure that no interactions are omitted or double counted. Therefore, an additive scheme requires special MM software, in which the user or developer can select which MM terms to include. The advantage of the additive QM/MM scheme is that no MM parameters for the QM atoms are needed, because those energy terms are calculated by QM. For this reason, additive schemes are gaining more and more popularity among the QM/MM user community and nowadays are the preferred QM/MM approach in biological applications.
The interaction between the QM and MM regions is typically dominated by electrostatics. This interaction can also be considered at different levels of approximation. These approaches can be classified as either mechanical embedding, electrostatic embedding or polarized embedding. In mechanical embedding - the simplest electrostatic coupling scheme - the QM-MM interaction is calculated at the MM level and the electronic wave function is computed for an isolated QM subsystem. In other words, the MM environment cannot induce polarization on the electron density in the quantum region. Moreover, since the QM region is usually the site of the reaction it is likely that during the course of the reaction the charge distribution will change, resulting in a high level of error if a single set of MM electrostatic parameters is used to describe it. For those reasons, mechanical embedding is nowadays no longer recommended for modeling reactions in biochemical macromolecules. Instead, the large majority of the state-of-the-art QM/MM codes employ electrostatic embedding, in which the electrostatic interactions between the QM and the MM subsystem are treated at QM level and handled during the computation of the electronic wave function. This is done by including the atomic partial MM charges in the Hamiltonian used to solve the quantum problem, i.e. the Hamiltonian depends on both the classical partial charges and the quantum charge density.
Increasing further the level of sophistication means including in the model also the polarizability of the MM atoms. This is done through a polarization embedding scheme, in which both regions - QM and MM - can mutually polarize each other. Although this last embedding offers the most realistic electrostatic coupling between the quantum and the classical regions, polarizable force fields for biomolecular simulations are not so effective yet. Therefore, despite progress in the development of such force fields, QM/MM studies with polarizable MM regions are so far not so popular.
Moreover, in several systems it has been shown that QM/MM approaches employing electrostatic embedding allow reaching almost the same accuracy as obtained by full QM treatments of the entire system (computationally much more expensive). However, to reach such an accuracy, a user usually needs a rather expert knowledge of the methods and their approximations, and significant experience in defining suitable domains/regimes within which to apply them. It is worth mentioning here that recently schemes have been developed to make it easier and more straightforward to access high-level, potentially chemically accurate QM/MM treatments. One example is the projector-based embedding scheme developed by Manby, Miller and co-workers (JCTC 8(8), 2564-2568 (2012)). Projector-based embedding allows for rigorous high-level treatment of a small region (e.g. with coupled cluster or MP2 level of description) within a larger DFT region, and can be incorporated within a QM/MM framework. As mentioned before, the selection of a suitable functional within a DFT approach is crucial: reaction energies and barriers can significantly depend on the employed DFT functional. However, such a dependence disappears within approaches like the projector-based embedding, and energies and the barriers can be then predicted with a high degree of confidence.
Most of the electrostatic embedding QM/MM approaches introduce long range electrostatic cutoffs of some kind in their schemes in order to reduce the computational load. Therefore, one should have an idea of the extent to which long-range interactions are important to correctly describe the phenomenon under investigation in one’s system of interest. For example, in enzymes electrostatic long-range interactions typically cover a range from 7 to 20 Å and therefore you have to be careful to include them in the QM/MM modelling when planning simulations.
4. QM/MM modelling
The usual starting point in preparing a QM/MM simulation is a PDB structure coming either from an X-ray, NMR or cryo-em experiment, or as the output of a homology modelling or other theoretical protein structure prediction approach. It is not granted that such an initial structure is immediately usable. The initial PDB could have missing or incorrectly identified atoms/residues, and the protonation state of histidines and/or ligands could be incompatible with their chemical environment, to name just a few potential issues. The initial structure must be critically evaluated, and all such issues need to be addressed before proceeding. For example, to assess the protonation state of ionizable groups in protein and protein ligand complexes we need in principle to find their pKa’s. If already known, pKa values can be found in the PubChem database (https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). Alternatively, theoretical methods have been developed to make reliable estimations, and some of them have been implemented in servers and tools, such as MarvinSketch (https://www.chem.uwec.edu/marvin/) and PROPKA (https://github.com/jensengroup/propka), the latter being particularly popular among computational enzymologists.
After obtaining the correct initial structure, one needs to think about how to partition the system, i.e. what the QM region should contain. Of course, the QM part needs to include all the atoms involved directly or indirectly in the chemical process under investigation. Monitoring the possible interactions between individual residues occurring during a preliminary force field-based simulation using classical Molecular Dynamics may help with this step. If time and computational resources allow it, one should test QM regions of increasing size. It is a well known problem that the energies obtained from both QM cluster (i.e. full QM description without any partitioning) and QM/MM calculations depend on the size of the QM part, and that these energies converge slowly with respect to the size of the QM region. Even worse, they do not necessarily converge in all cases: the impact on accuracy of some of the underlying limitations of the QM/MM approach will in fact increase in severity with increasing system size. For example, as we scale up the size of the QM region within a QM/MM calculation, the QM/MM boundary becomes larger too and if there is excessive polarization of that boundary, that error will increase as well. Therefore, simply increasing the size of the QM region is not necessarily a good test of a QM/MM calculation and that is especially the case if you are dealing with a heterogeneous environment like an enzyme, where the charge of the system may differ as you increase the size. Moreover, quite often the variation of the energy values is less dependent on the size of the QM region than it is on the choice of the DFT functional, as has been shown for example in several reaction energy and barrier calculations. Therefore, one should probably pay more attention to the suitable QM treatment in describing the system than the size of the QM region.
In cases where the convergence with QM region size has been studied and successfully obtained, typically something in between 500 and 1000 atoms were needed to obtain convergence to reasonably accurate results! Dealing with such large QM regions is a challenging task for most quantum codes and requires significant computational resources. Luckily, QM/MM energies (and also structures) normally converge faster than the QM cluster ones. General recommendations to get stable energies (and structures) in a protein system is to include in the QM region: - Neutral groups/residues up to 4-5 Å from the active site - The largest number (ideally all) of the charged groups that are not on the surface of the protein, i.e. the buried ones.
In addition, the “junction” atoms, i.e. the atoms at the border between the QM and the MM boundary should be kept as far as possible from the active site.
In fact, when the boundary between the QM and MM regions cuts a covalent bond connecting a quantum atom to a classical atom, care has to be taken in solving the quantum problem, i.e. in calculating the wave function associated with the QM region. Biological systems have a large content of sp3-hybridized C-C bonds and due to their symmetry and lack of polarization, those bonds are the best choice of locations where to place the QM/MM boundary. However, a straightforward cut through the QM/MM boundary would create one or more unpaired electrons in the quantum subsystem. In reality, these electrons are paired in bonding orbitals, with electrons belonging to the atom on the MM side. However, now those electrons do not exist in the MM region, due to the artificial partitioning and the lower level of resolution we decided to use in this region. In the literature a number of approaches have been proposed to remedy the artefact that originates from such open valencies, which can generally be classified into three categories:
The link-atom approach, in which additional link-atoms, generally hydrogen atoms, are introduced at an appropriate position along the bond vector to saturate the dangling valences of the quantum region;
Alternatively, it is possible to use the link atom pseudopotential approach, which consists in introducing in the QM system a description of the classical atom at the border bonded to the quantum atom, through a special pseudopotential with the required valence charge.
The last category involves the use of bonding hybrid orbitals, including the hybrid orbital method, the local self-consistent field method, the generalized hybrid orbital method, and the frozen orbital method.
All the above-mentioned methods are more or less equivalent if carefully applied according to the specifications and recommendations of the developers. For example, the link atom pseudopotentials require constraining the bond distance appropriately. Therefore, the choice of which category and also which specific approach to use often depends on the particular implementation available in the software we are planning to use for QM/MM calculations.
5. Simulation protocol and QM/MM workflow
QM/MM calculations that involve only single conformations are computationally less demanding and can be particularly suitable to identify structural features of reactive conformations. For example, single conformation QM/MM calculations may can efficiently enable better understanding of structure-activity relationships if computational resources are limited. As a general remark, QM/MM single conformation approaches are a good way to calculate structures in a protein system, especially when combined with experimental data, while properties based on energies are much harder to obtain since proper sampling and solvation is required. In fact, the subset of catalytically competent conformations can be significantly small in comparison with the full conformational landscape, and X-ray structures are usually a good starting point for reactivity study. However, a re-optimization of the initial structure(s) is usually recommended.
Since geometry optimization, which allows the extraction of structural information, is typically computationally more demanding than wave function minimization, from which one can obtain energetic information, it is common to use a lower level of theory for the former and a higher level for the latter. Although this strategy can usually be employed with confidence, we should always bear in mind not to mix very different Hamiltonians in performing these two sequential steps, for example combining very different DFT functionals, e.g. a GGA family functional like PBE and a hybrid functional like B3LYP. At the very least one should double check any conclusions arising from such “dangerous” mixing by testing different combinations. In general, techniques that allow more efficient exploration of the conformational space of an enzyme during catalysis can provide a more dynamic picture of the PESs associated with the reaction. For this reason, it can sometimes be beneficial to perform preliminary classical (i.e. force field-based) molecular dynamics simulations of the system, select representative snapshots according to predetermined adequacy criteria, and to then apply the QM/MM single-point protocol to these snapshots.
If in contrast temperature and entropic effects are important in the process under investigation and cannot be neglected, then sampling through a QM/MM molecular dynamics approach is required. Even then however, the system is usually still thermally equilibrated at classical level before performing a QM/MM molecular dynamics simulation. Classical molecular dynamics allows sampling of longer time scales not accessible within a QM/MM molecular dynamics simulation. Therefore, this equilibration step is particularly relevant for those systems which are very flexible, such as complexes formed by carbohydrate-active enzymes, and for those systems whose initial structure can not represent a configuration with sufficiently high probability to be found in the corresponding ensemble.
On moving from the classical to the QM/MM description, another thermal equilibration is required before starting the QM/MM production run. This is because when the level of theory is changed, the forces felt by the atoms change as well. This second equilibration step allows the system to relax and adapt to the new QM/MM Hamiltonian.
Enhanced sampling methods can be used when standard classical or QM/MM molecular dynamics approaches do not manage to sample enough configurations or parts of phase space in a reasonable time due to the presence of large free energy barriers or if doing so would be much beyond the computational resources at one’s disposal, which may the case especially given how large systems biological systems often are. Most enhanced sampling methods fall into two categories: collective variable-based and collective variable-free methods.
A direct and effective idea to accelerate the thermodynamics calculation is to modify the potential energy surface by adding a bias potential to the Hamiltonian of the system, thereby decreasing the energy barrier hence increasing the sampling of transition regions. This is the strategy followed by methods such as the original and widely used umbrella sampling (Torrie and Valleau, 1977) and the popular metadynamics (Laio and Parrinello, 2002).
The second category include methods such as parallel tempering (Swendsen and Wang, 1986) and replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD, Sugita and Y. Okamoto, 1999), which alter the canonical probability distribution to a distribution that induces a broader sampling of the potential energy.
The collective variable-based methods need to use predefined reaction coordinates or collective variables (CVs), i.e. low-dimensional functions of electronic and atomic degrees of freedom of the system being simulated, which should refer to the variable describing the slow motion in the process of interest. Appropriately selecting the CVs is crucial for such methods to correctly work. For example, since the transition states are not identified correctly by the CVs, forward and backward transitions might follow different paths, leading to hysteresis in the estimated free energy, or the bias potential could show large fluctuations, and the free energy estimate does not converge. However, it is well known that the proper reaction coordinates are not easily identified for many systems. In describing a reaction pathway, a CV should include all the bonds which form or break during the process. Low-energy vibrations and variables in most cases do not significantly affect free energy landscapes, therefore they should not be involved in the CVs. Literature research can be very beneficial for this task because a lot of different CVs have already been tested and used to describe a plethora of different phenomena. When possible, a trial and error approach using simpler model systems or suitable enhanced sampling parameters to quickly get a rough, low-resolution estimate of the underlying free energy landscape (e.g. choosing hills with large heights in metadynamics) can be useful in identifying the proper reaction coordinate(s).
6. Analysis, interpretation and validation of simulation results
After performing QM/MM modelling one should check the validity of results obtained before publishing. There are three major things that need to be established and validated:
QM theory level is sufficient and predictive for your system
Structures (models) and energies of reactants, products and transition states
Reaction pathways should represent mechanism and be predictive
The level of QM treatment of the system should be sufficient for predictivity but typically it can not be too high because of limited time and computational resources. At very high levels it is usually possible to calculate only energies (enthalpies) for a handful of structures. A systematic way to check validity in that case is to obtain energies at a lower level of theory and characterise them with higher-level methods. It is also good to consider structures obtained with free energy methods and characterize them with static methods (i.e. geometry optimizations) at a higher level of theory.
As mentioned in previous parts, models can be divided into static (obtained with geometry minimizations) and dynamic (obtained with MD). Static methods can, in the case of enzymes, give only good estimation of enthalpies, so one should validate whether entropy has only a minor effect on reactivity. That could be estimated, for instance, with QM/MM dynamics using a lower level of theory. Note as well that the effect of temperature on the reaction can be very effectively estimated with QM/MD methods as well, e.g. using metadynamics or umbrella sampling.
Substrate conformations can be wrong due to forcefield inaccuracies if you are using starting structures extracted from classical MD simulation. In such cases it is valuable to use QM/MD to relax the starting geometry. Another thing to validate in the model is the reaction pathway and variables used to represent it in the simulation. It is always good to start from a simple model of your system in solution or cluster (with polarizable continuum) and test various reaction pathways beforehand. In addition, good collective variables that represent the reaction typically include all breaking and forming bonds. If you are using either position restraints or constraints in your model, remember to check their effect on the reaction energetics as they may affect final results heavily and should not be used for production of the final reaction profile.
Reaction pathway validation can be a major obstacle. First of all, reaction space in enzymatic reactions can be very complex, with many individual steps. Second, sampling time and choice of initial structures are crucial as in many cases the reactive conformation of the enzyme-substrate complex is not the most populated during sampling. Check as many initial structures as possible. Sometimes the Michaelis complex in the enzymes could have a distorted geometry that is not energetically favorable, but resembles a transition state. In dynamical methods sampling time is very important, check that your profile is converged by increasing sampling time and confirming that further simulation does not change your free energy profile. In case of very fast enzymes, the Michaelis complex formation constant plays a key role. For instance, if one is trying to model the effect of a mutation on enzyme activity then it should be checked how the mutation affects not only reaction barriers but also binding free energy of the substrate. One way to do that is to compare reaction energetics between solution (cluster model) and enzyme (QM/MM model).
Final results require validation as well. This is typically done using existing experimental data, if available, and/or by making predictions that could be verified against experiment. In the case of well-known systems, validation against experimental data should be done on the whole array of available results. In other words, results obtained through simulation should be in line with all available experimental data. Do not cherry pick only those experiments which correlate well with your results, omitting others that do not align with your hypothesis from simulation. Do not forget that scientific results should be falsifiable, meaning that there should always be some prediction as a result of your work, which could be proven (or rejected) with an experiment. Some effects do not contribute directly to enzyme catalysis. For example, kinetic isotope effect (KIE) may not be included directly in the energy of the transition state, however sometimes its effect (i.e. in case of proton tunnelling) should be properly included into calculation of the catalytic constant in order to obtain a predictive model. If mutation experiments are used for validation one should be aware that they could affect structure and energy of the enzyme-substrate complex, thus changing not just the barrier but also the Michaelis constant (for the binding pose and/or equilibrium). The same validation should be done for inhibitors and non-standard substrates studied. In the case of a static model, to check that it did not fall into the local minima, try to build the profile both from reagents to products and back from products to reagents, if your model is correct the profiles should be identical.