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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3"""Module containing the ApplyMDAE class and the command line interface."""
5import argparse
6import time
7from typing import Optional
9import numpy as np
10import torch
12from biobb_common.configuration import settings
13from biobb_common.generic.biobb_object import BiobbObject
14from import file_utils as fu
15from import launchlogger
17from biobb_pytorch.mdae.common import (
18 execute_model,
19 format_time,
20 human_readable_file_size,
21 ndarray_denormalization,
22 ndarray_normalization,
24from biobb_pytorch.mdae.mdae import MDAE
27class ApplyMDAE(BiobbObject):
28 """
29 | biobb_pytorch ApplyMDAE
30 | Apply a Molecular Dynamics AutoEncoder (MDAE) PyTorch model.
31 | Apply a Molecular Dynamics AutoEncoder (MDAE) PyTorch model, the resulting denoised molecular dynamics or the reduced the dimensionality of molecular dynamics data can be used to analyze the dynamic properties of the system.
33 Args:
34 input_data_npy_path (str): Path to the input data file. File type: input. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: npy (edam:format_4003).
35 input_model_pth_path (str): Path to the input model file. File type: input. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: pth (edam:format_2333).
36 output_reconstructed_data_npy_path (str): Path to the output reconstructed data file. File type: output. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: npy (edam:format_4003).
37 output_latent_space_npy_path (str) (Optional): Path to the reduced dimensionality file. File type: output. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: npy (edam:format_4003).
38 properties (dict - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files):
39 * **batch_size** (*int*) - (1) number of samples/frames per batch.
40 * **latent_dimensions** (*int*) - (2) min dimensionality of the latent space.
41 * **num_layers** (*int*) - (4) number of layers in the encoder/decoder (4 to encode and 4 to decode).
42 * **input_dimensions** (*int*) - (None) input dimensions by default it should be the number of features in the input data (number of atoms * 3 corresponding to x, y, z coordinates).
43 * **output_dimensions** (*int*) - (None) output dimensions by default it should be the number of features in the input data (number of atoms * 3 corresponding to x, y, z coordinates).
45 Examples:
46 This is a use case of how to use the building block from Python::
48 from biobb_pytorch.mdae.apply_mdae import ApplyMDAE
49 prop = {
50 'latent_dimensions': 2,
51 'num_layers': 4
52 }
53 ApplyMDAE(input_data_npy_path='/path/to/myInputData.npy',
54 output_reconstructed_data_npy_path='/path/to/newReconstructedData.npz',
55 input_model_pth_path='/path/to/oldModel.pth',
56 properties=prop).launch()
58 Info:
59 * wrapped_software:
60 * name: PyTorch
61 * version: >=1.6.0
62 * license: BSD 3-Clause
63 * ontology:
64 * name: EDAM
65 * schema:
66 """
68 def __init__(
69 self,
70 input_data_npy_path: str,
71 input_model_pth_path: str,
72 output_reconstructed_data_npy_path: str,
73 output_latent_space_npy_path: Optional[str] = None,
74 properties: Optional[dict] = None,
75 **kwargs,
76 ) -> None:
77 properties = properties or {}
79 # Call parent class constructor
80 super().__init__(properties)
81 self.locals_var_dict = locals().copy()
83 # Input/Output files
84 self.io_dict = {
85 "in": {
86 "input_data_npy_path": input_data_npy_path,
87 "input_model_pth_path": input_model_pth_path,
88 },
89 "out": {
90 "output_reconstructed_data_npy_path": output_reconstructed_data_npy_path,
91 "output_latent_space_npy_path": output_latent_space_npy_path,
92 },
93 }
95 # Properties specific for BB
96 self.batch_size: int = int(
97 properties.get("batch_size", 1)
98 ) # number of samples/frames per batch
99 self.latent_dimensions: int = int(
100 properties.get("latent_dimensions", 2)
101 ) # min dimensionality of the latent space
102 self.num_layers: int = int(
103 properties.get("num_layers", 4)
104 ) # number of layers in the encoder/decoder (4 to encode and 4 to decode)
106 # Input data section
107 input_raw_data = np.load(self.io_dict["in"]["input_data_npy_path"])
108 # Reshape the input data to be a 2D array and normalization
109 input_reshaped_data: np.ndarray = np.reshape(
110 input_raw_data,
111 (len(input_raw_data), input_raw_data.shape[1] * input_raw_data.shape[2]),
112 )
113 # Normalization of the input data
114 self.input_data_max_values: np.ndarray = np.max(input_reshaped_data, axis=0)
115 self.input_data_min_values: np.ndarray = np.min(input_reshaped_data, axis=0)
116 input_data: np.ndarray = ndarray_normalization(
117 input_reshaped_data,
118 max_values=self.input_data_max_values,
119 min_values=self.input_data_min_values,
120 )
121 self.input_dimensions: int = (
122 int(properties["input_dimensions"])
123 if properties.get("input_dimensions")
124 else input_data.shape[1]
125 ) # input dimensions by default it should be the number of features in the input data (number of atoms * 3 corresponding to x, y, z coordinates)
126 self.output_dimensions: int = (
127 int(properties["output_dimensions"])
128 if properties.get("output_dimensions")
129 else self.input_dimensions
130 ) # output dimensions by default it should be the number of features in the input data (number of atoms * 3 corresponding to x, y, z coordinates)
132 # Check the properties
133 self.check_properties(properties)
134 self.check_arguments()
136 data_tensor = torch.FloatTensor(input_data)
137 tensor_dataset =
138 self.data_loader =
139 tensor_dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=False
140 )
141 self.model = MDAE(
142 input_dimensions=self.input_dimensions,
143 num_layers=self.num_layers,
144 latent_dimensions=self.latent_dimensions,
145 )
146 self.model.load_state_dict(
147 torch.load(
148 self.io_dict["in"]["input_model_pth_path"],
149 map_location=self.model.device,
150 )
151 )
153 @launchlogger
154 def launch(self) -> int:
155 """Execute the :class:`ApplyMDAE <mdae.apply_mdae.ApplyMDAE>` object."""
157 # Setup Biobb
158 if self.check_restart():
159 return 0
161 self.stage_files()
163 fu.log(
164 f"Applying MDAE model reducing dimensionality from {self.input_dimensions} to {self.latent_dimensions} and reconstructing.",
165 self.out_log,
166 )
167 latent_space, reconstructed_data = self.apply_model(self.data_loader)
168 denormalized_reconstructed_data = ndarray_denormalization(
169 reconstructed_data, self.input_data_max_values, self.input_data_min_values
170 )
171 reshaped_reconstructed_data = np.reshape(
172 denormalized_reconstructed_data,
173 (len(denormalized_reconstructed_data), -1, 3),
174 )
176 self.stage_io_dict["out"]["output_reconstructed_data_npy_path"],
177 np.array(reshaped_reconstructed_data),
178 )
179 fu.log(
180 f'Saving reconstructed data to: {self.stage_io_dict["out"]["output_reconstructed_data_npy_path"]}',
181 self.out_log,
182 )
183 fu.log(
184 f' File size: {human_readable_file_size(self.stage_io_dict["out"]["output_reconstructed_data_npy_path"])}',
185 self.out_log,
186 )
188 if self.stage_io_dict["out"].get("output_latent_space_npy_path"):
190 self.stage_io_dict["out"]["output_latent_space_npy_path"],
191 np.array(latent_space),
192 )
193 fu.log(
194 f'Saving latent space to: {self.stage_io_dict["out"]["output_latent_space_npy_path"]}',
195 self.out_log,
196 )
197 fu.log(
198 f' File size: {human_readable_file_size(self.stage_io_dict["out"]["output_latent_space_npy_path"])}',
199 self.out_log,
200 )
202 # Copy files to host
203 self.copy_to_host()
205 # Remove temporal files
206 self.remove_tmp_files()
208 self.check_arguments(output_files_created=True, raise_exception=False)
209 return 0
211 def apply_model(
212 self, dataloader:
213 ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
215 start_time: float = time.time()
216 fu.log("Applying model:", self.out_log)
217 fu.log(f" Device: {self.model.device}", self.out_log)
218 fu.log(
219 f" Input file: {self.stage_io_dict['in']['input_data_npy_path']}",
220 self.out_log,
221 )
222 fu.log(
223 f" File size: {human_readable_file_size(self.stage_io_dict['in']['input_data_npy_path'])}",
224 self.out_log,
225 )
226 fu.log(
227 f" Number of atoms: {int(len(next(iter(dataloader))[0][0])/3)}",
228 self.out_log,
229 )
230 fu.log(
231 f" Number of frames: {int(len(dataloader) * (dataloader.batch_size or 1))}",
232 self.out_log,
233 ) # type: ignore
234 fu.log(f" Batch size: {self.batch_size}", self.out_log)
235 fu.log(f" Number of layers: {self.num_layers}", self.out_log)
236 fu.log(f" Input dimensions: {self.input_dimensions}", self.out_log)
237 fu.log(f" Latent dimensions: {self.latent_dimensions}", self.out_log)
239 execution_tuple = execute_model(
240 self.model, dataloader, self.input_dimensions, self.latent_dimensions
241 )[1:]
243 fu.log(
244 f" Execution time: {format_time(time.time() - start_time)}", self.out_log
245 )
246 return execution_tuple
249def applyMDAE(
250 input_data_npy_path: str,
251 input_model_pth_path: str,
252 output_reconstructed_data_npy_path: str,
253 output_latent_space_npy_path: Optional[str] = None,
254 properties: Optional[dict] = None,
255 **kwargs,
256) -> int:
257 """Execute the :class:`ApplyMDAE <mdae.apply_mdae.ApplyMDAE>` class and
258 execute the :meth:`launch() <mdae.apply_mdae.ApplyMDAE.launch>` method."""
260 return ApplyMDAE(
261 input_data_npy_path=input_data_npy_path,
262 input_model_pth_path=input_model_pth_path,
263 output_reconstructed_data_npy_path=output_reconstructed_data_npy_path,
264 output_latent_space_npy_path=output_latent_space_npy_path,
265 properties=properties,
266 **kwargs,
267 ).launch()
269 applyMDAE.__doc__ = ApplyMDAE.__doc__
272def main():
273 """Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation."""
274 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
275 description="Apply a Molecular Dynamics AutoEncoder (MDAE) PyTorch model.",
276 formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter(prog, width=99999),
277 )
278 parser.add_argument(
279 "-c",
280 "--config",
281 required=False,
282 help="This file can be a YAML file, JSON file or JSON string",
283 )
285 # Specific args of each building block
286 required_args = parser.add_argument_group("required arguments")
288 required_args.add_argument(
289 "--input_data_npy_path", required=True, help="Path to the input data file."
290 )
291 required_args.add_argument(
292 "--input_model_pth_path", required=True, help="Path to the input model file."
293 )
294 required_args.add_argument(
295 "--output_reconstructed_data_npy_path",
296 required=True,
297 help="Path to the output reconstructed data file.",
298 )
299 parser.add_argument(
300 "--output_latent_space_npy_path",
301 required=False,
302 help="Path to the reduced dimensionality file.",
303 )
304 parser.add_argument(
305 "--properties",
306 required=False,
307 help="Additional properties for the MDAE object.",
308 )
309 args = parser.parse_args()
310 config = args.config if args.config else None
311 properties = settings.ConfReader(config=config).get_prop_dic()
313 applyMDAE(
314 input_data_npy_path=args.input_data_npy_path,
315 input_model_pth_path=args.input_model_pth_path,
316 output_reconstructed_data_npy_path=args.output_reconstructed_data_npy_path,
317 output_latent_space_npy_path=args.output_latent_space_npy_path,
318 properties=properties,
319 )
322if __name__ == "__main__":
323 main()