Asking for help

The principle forum for CWL related news and discussion is This is both an announcement and discussion list for CWL, and is used by the CWL developers (so you are more likely to get a helpful response here). You can also, as for most programming languages, use; responses here will be slower, but checking here for previous questions will be useful.

Before asking for help it is good practice to search the forums for similar questions first, to see if a solution has already been suggested, and also to see if you can add to any discussion which may already exist for that issue. When asking about error messages, or development problems, it is useful to have a minimum working example of your workflow that shows / demonstrates the problem. Doing this will enable others to see if they can replicate your issue, and suggest possible solutions.

In addition, if you have problems with a specific workflow engine, it is useful (if possible) to test the workflow using the reference implementation of CWL too. This will help you determine if the problem is with your script, or with the implementation of CWL functionality in that particular workflow engine. When providing your minimum working example for others to test, you can then also include running scripts for different workflow engines.