Practical: CP2K Parameters


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 45 min
  • What QM parameters are there in CP2K and why might we like to change them?

  • How do we use hybrid functionals such as B3LYP within Gromacs+CP2K?

  • How can we use a dispersion correction?

  • How do we ensure the CUTOFF used is fully converged?

  • How might changes we make affect the performance?

  • Modify the CP2K input to change the basis sets or potentials

  • Modify the CP2K input to use B3LYP and add dispersion corrections

  • Do a convergence check for the cutoff energy for the grid


When using the Gromacs+CP2K interface we have seen that the CP2K input file containing the CP2K QM parameters is automatically generated and then passed to CP2K through the interface, which then calculates the QM/MM energies and forces. The CP2K QM parameters are chosen in order to usually generate sensible results, for example the BASIS_MOLOPT basis set as this is commonly used for biological systems, and for the exchange-correlation (XC) functional PBE is used which is usually a good compromise between accuracy and computational costs.

However you may want to change some of the input parameters in order to tailor settings to your particular system for greater accuracy, or to use particular functionals, basis sets or potentials. When making these changes it is a good idea to run a standalone CP2K single energy calculation to test the changes and also to monitor how they affect the total energy. Once you are satisfied with the changes the edited CP2K input file can then be used together with the GROMACS+CP2K interface to see the effect on properties of interest.

In this tutorial we will look at making the following changes within the CP2K input settings:

CP2K QM/MM best practice guide

The CP2K best practice guide is a good starting place for changing any QM settings within CP2K. It is available here.

The guide contains information about:

Part 1: Changing the basis set

In this exercise we will change the basis set in a CP2K input file. Changing the basis set may be done to improve the accuracy (e.g. using a larger basis set) or reduce the computational costs (smaller basis). Also some basis sets are more suitable in combination with a particular XC functional.

The egfp.inp input file provided uses BASIS_MOLOPT basis (optimised for molecules). We will change this to the HFX_BASIS. This will be done because this basis set is suitable for using with the Hartree-Fock exchange, which is used for B3LYP, which we will be the focus of the second part of this tutorial.

You can find the input file here:


And the pdb file is here:


In egfp.inp the filename containing the basis set used is defined with the BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME option, and for each individual element in the &KIND section the BASIS_SET option gives the basis set for that particular element.

    &KIND H  
      ELEMENT H  

The BASIS_SET option will correspond to one of the basis sets for the particular element within the basis set file. Note that there is usually no need to suppy the basis set file directly in your current directory as these are included automatically from the CP2K data directory path.

On ARCHER2 you can see all the available CP2K basis set files in the following directory:

ls /work/y07/shared/cp2k/cp2k-8.1/data

You can find you basis sets for each element within these files. For example, if you wanted to find all the hydrogen basis sets within BASIS_MOLOPT you could do:

grep ' H ' /work/y07/shared/cp2k/cp2k-8.1/data/BASIS_MOLOPT


For more information about basis sets see the QM/MM best practice guide

In the current efgp.inp file the BASIS_MOLOPT basis set filename is used, and the BASIS_SET for each element is given as DVZP-MOLOPT-GTH. Change these so that the BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME is set to HFX_BASIS and the BASIS_SET for each element is TZV2P-GTH. An explaination of how the basis sets are named can be found in the best practice guide.

You can then run the CP2K job with the following job script.


#SBATCH --job-name=egfp_cp2k
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=128
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time=00:20:00

#SBATCH --account=ta025
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=standard
#SBATCH --reservation=ta025_167

# Setup the batch environment
module load epcc-job-env

module load cp2k/8.1


srun --hint=nomultithread cp2k.popt -i egfp.inp > cp2k.out

You will notice that this calculation does a single energy and force calculation for the initial configuration of the system. This is what happens in CP2K during a single MD step when using the GROMACS-CP2K interface.

When the calculation completes a timing report will be printed at the end of cp2k output file.

You should record the total energy and the run time. To extract these from the output you can use:

grep ENERGY cp2k.out
grep 'CP2K   ' cp2k.out


The default energy units in CP2K are Hartrees or Atomic Units (au). These can be converted to KJ/mol by multiplying by 2625.5.

This calculation will also generate wave function restart files: GROMACS-RESTART.wfn. These can be used as an initial guess for the wave function in the self consistent calculation that CP2K performs, which will help speed up any subsequent calculations for a similar setup and ensure they reach convergence. These files will be required for the next exerise.

Rename GROMACS-RESTART.wfn to EGFP-RESTART.wfn to ensure it is not overwritten.



For more information about the CP2K output see the best practice guide

Part 2: Using B3LYP and dispersion corrections

The default exchange-correlation functional used by the interface is PBE, however this can be changed in the CP2K input file. In this example we will change it to use B3LYP. This is a hybrid functional, which means part of it is formed by the exact Hartree Fock exchange, and thus it is more accurate but more computationally expensive than GGA methods such as PBE.

We will also add a dispersion correction to our formulation of the exchange-correlation energy. Here we use the Grimme DFT-D3 method.

To use DFT-D3 the modification will occur within the XC section of the input file. At the moment it looks like this:

      DENSITY_CUTOFF     1.0E-12
      GRADIENT_CUTOFF    1.0E-12
      TAU_CUTOFF         1.0E-12
    &END XC

as we are using PBE as the XC functional. To change to using B3LYP with the DFTD3 dispersion correction you should modify this section as follows:

      DENSITY_CUTOFF     1.0E-12
      GRADIENT_CUTOFF    1.0E-12
      TAU_CUTOFF         1.0E-12
         SCALE_C 0.81          ! 81% LYP correlation
         SCALE_X 0.72          ! 72% Becke88 exchange
         SCALE_C 0.19          ! 19% LDA correlation
         SCALE_X 0.08          ! 8%  LDA exchange
      FRACTION 0.20            ! 20% HF exchange
          ! important parameter to get stable HFX calcs
          EPS_SCHWARZ 1.0E-6
          ! needs a good (GGA) initial guess 
          ! for condensed phase systems
          ! should be less than halve the cell
          CUTOFF_RADIUS 4.0
          ! data file needed with the truncated operator
          T_C_G_DATA ./t_c_g.dat
         MAX_MEMORY  1500     ! In MB per MPI rank
    &END HF

            PARAMETER_FILE_NAME dftd3.dat
            TYPE DFTD3
            R_CUTOFF [angstrom] 16

    &END XC

These changes incorporate the necessary contributions that make up B3LYP (as mentioned previously in this course). In addition screening is used to help stabilise the SCF calculation. EPS_SCHWARZ can be tuned to help with the stabilisation.

You will also need to add the WFN_RESTART_FILE_NAME option in order to read the correct restart wave function file. This should go in the &DFT section of the input file, for example after the POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME is specified.


You can also change the POTENTIAL used so that the one optimised for BLYP is used rather than the one optimised for PBE since we are no longer using PBE.

    &KIND H  
      ELEMENT H  

Run the calculation again with the new changes.

Record the total energy and the run time as before, how have these values changed?

Part 3: Cutoff convergence

In this exercise we will look at ensuring that the integration grid used for mapping the electron density is fine enough. The CUTOFF keyword in the input file defines the planewave cutoff (default unit is in Ry) for the finest level of the multi-grid. The higher the planewave cutoff, the finer the grid. Choosing the value for the CUTOFF is usually an important step when running a CP2K calculation and should usually be done whenever changing any of the main parameters. The CUTOFF should be large enough so that it is converged with the total energy, however using a too large value will slow down the calculation without making any improvement in the accuracy. In the GROMACS-CP2K interface the CUTOFF is set to 450 Ry which should be large enough for most systems, however it is worth checking this value when making big changes to CP2K parameters.

The figure below shows the total energy vs. CUTOFF for our initial input (with PBE). This demonstrates that the CUTOFF is more than large enough for accurate results.


We are going to repeat this with our modified input file settings in order to check that using a CUTOFF of 450 is still suitable. To do this you will need to edit the CUTOFF value in the input file, run the calculation and then record the total energy, and repeat this process for each value of the cutoff.

You should aim to fill in a table that looks like this:


How does the CUTOFF vs. total energy compare to the PBE case?

What might be a suitable CUTOFF value to use for our calculation?

Part 4: Looking at performance

We will now look at how changes to the set up may affect the performance of a calculation and how you can optimise the performance when running on multiple nodes.


We have seen so far that switching the XC functional from PBE to B3LYP increases the overall run time. B3LYP is more accurate than PBE, but it comes at a cost.

The table below shows the run times found for these methods on a single node of ARCHER2.

Functional Run time on 1 node of ARCHER2 (s)
PBE 26.9
B3LYP 39.9

This system has only 19 QM atoms so changing the QM functional may not have a large effect on the run time. For systems with a larger QM region the effect on the run time should be more pronouced.

The figures below show the run time and speed up (per MD step) of a different system (CBD_PHY) with 68 QM atoms. The PBE (GGA) and PBE0 (hybrid) functionals are shown.

The results are reported for Cirrus which has 36 cores per node. No multi-threading is used.





Key observations

QM region size

The QM region size will affect the performance. More QM atoms will make the calculation more computationally expensive. The figures below show the run time and speed up per MD step for the same system but with 19 and 253 QM atoms.

The results are shown for Cirrus and each run uses 6 threads per MPI process.

ClC 19 QM atoms - BLYP


ClC 253 QM atoms - BLYP


Key observations

Using multiple threads

Using threading in a calculation (i.e MPI+OpenMP) may improve the performance. However the optimum number of threads will depend on many things such as the machine architecture, the type of calculation and your system size. As a general rule the number of threads per MPI process has to be chosen so that it evenly divides the number of MPI processes on a node, whilst ensuring that threads sharing memory are in the same NUMA region. The total number of MPI processes will need to be set so that the number of threads per process multiplied by the number of MPI processes gives the total number of cores requested.

The run times per MD step for different systems with different threading configurations are shown in the figures below.



ClC 253 QM atoms - BLYP


Key observations

Key Points

  • How to change CP2K parameters and make sensible choices

  • Using hybrid functionals and dispersion corrections

  • How to check the cutoff convergence

  • Available basis sets and potentials

  • QM/MM performance considerations